The Feral Pleasures' story begins in Bristol in 2009, with a family of Good Old Friendly Olds who came together in celebration of a more feral way of life... a long story containing encounters with cactuses, caravans, snow globes and cats with flippers. But we won't bore you with the details.
Feral Pleasures is a unique kind of fashion label, made by a bunch of artists who found themselves one day stuck to sewing machines. It was born like some kind of stylish phoenix from the ashes of what seemed like a barren wasteland of branded sportswear and the High Street's persistent lack of imagination.
They bridge the gap between day-to-day streetwear and couture, by merging underground styles with colours, fabrics, and iconography from around the world; from '90s Hip-Hop to Mexican culture, adorning their pieces with embroidery, print and embellishments.
Feral Pleasures is a label that shows off a misfit youth culture, with their own particular undomesticated style. withquestionable